
Last couple of weeks

We climbed a mountain and took some pics on Easter Sunday.  The weather was so warm!  Maybe even hot!  I love it when the Wasatch mountains are bright blue and clear, and I love seeing them while I drive to work in the early morning.  It's still a little bit dark and you can see the city lights in the valley with the mountains rising up behind them- so pretty.

We've also been:
 Stopping by to get donuts a couple of weeks ago after Sunday brunch- Brian and I, and friends Liz, Charlie, and Lindsey.  Banbury Cross!  Glazed is the best!

 Watering my plants!  And they are not dying... what??  I bought these pots, painted them, and planted these random plants I thought were cool looking a couple of months ago. Now I've grown to love them and have become kind of obsessive about watering them because I feel like I'm responsible for their lives.  They cheer up our living room and I want to buy some more now.
 Next stop- we have a flower bed in front of our little rental cottage that needs some flowers.  I've been asking people here when the best time to plant is, and most people say wait until May or even June (because I guess sometimes it can randomly snow here in June?).  Brian and I are going to do a little research and then buy some neat things to plant.  We're thinking about leaving one section for vegetables or herbs, or just growing some herbs in pots inside the house.  Green thumb!  Maybe, we'll see.

 Also, these girls are the best!  Jamie, me, Liz, and Sarah at the park on Sunday watching our men (and a few others) play ultimate frisbee.

Halfway through the game we decided to walk a couple of blocks to this little coffee shop called Botanica.  Salt Lake City has great little coffee shops.  This one also sold a bunch of beautiful flowers and some handmade jewelry.
Excitement! :)
Spring is here!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha I don't remember that last picture being taken!