
Saipan Street Market

Do you want to see one of our oldest traditions in Saipan?  Brian and I have been going to Saipan's street market ever since the first week we came to Saipan, almost two years ago.  Sometimes we get a little sick of the food and stop going for a month or two, but we always come back. 
A bunch of local restaurants set up tents every Thursday night and sell food, smoothies, and island desserts.  Other vendors sell clothing and jewelry.  Street market is really popular for the locals and tourists alike.
 Street Market has recently moved to a new place in Garapan, and now it is shaded by the gorgeous, blooming flame trees.  When the bright orange blooms fall to the ground and sit in piles around the trees, Brian says it looks like the trees are bleeding. :)

 Laura and I at the market
 Some of the most popular foods at the street market are bbq'ed skewers, pearl shakes, and Asian cuisine.  Brian's favorite stand is Poons, which serves Chinese food.   

Laura, Josiah, Jennifer, and Brian 


Crystal said...

Mmm...Mmm. I wish I were there to eat some of that yummy goodness.

Great photos--as always

Rachel said...

thanks Crystal- loved your running post on your blog!

Unknown said...

Are there little shops with any brand clothing? Even resale shops? Pawn shops?