
Forbidden Island rocks

Forbidden Island is one of our very favorite hiking destinations in Saipan.  A couple of weekends ago, a group of us took a trip out there and spent the morning exploring and swimming.  Our friends Amy and Matt had family visiting and we all wanted to show them the gorgeous island.  

Here's some pics of our trip, although a lot of them were taken by our friends Kara and Grant, who have an awesome blog about life in Saipan here.  Check it out!

 The hiking trail down to Forbidden is pretty steep and can be really slippery if it has rained recently.  Taking it slow is best because then you can see the amazing view as you go down.

We always take lots of pictures on the hike down :)

At some points, ropes are in place to help you get down the tricky parts.

 Once you're down to the beach, there are tons of cool rock formations to climb and cliffs to explore.

 Love this picture of us girls even though i'm cheesing it.

 We found an "I Love You" shoe

1 comment:

Annie said...

Hi! These photos are gorgeous! I know Jason is super excited about hiking just based on what we've seen on your blog and on Grant/Kara's blog. (O: We are leaving the States on July 22 (I think)- we have to be on island by 7/23, as required by the school. It would be great to meet you guys if you're still there! We have been chatting back and forth with Grant and Kara for a while now, but I would love you know your outlook and opinions of Saipan. I think I've seen you tagged on facebook, so I will send you a message that way to ask about a few things. Thank you!! Have a great day! (O: